My boys were full of themselves today.
They all spent twenty precious minutes in the bathroom this morning,
"combing their hair"
I knew they were almost finished when I heard the hairspray.
They just kept spraying and spraying and spraying.
Finally all four boys came out with their hair combed the same way.
It's a brother thing.
Now there is the afro...there's the bowl cut...there's the mohawk, the buzzcut,
the mullet, the side spike, the beatlecut, the flat top, the perm
and what ever Bon Jovi's hair was called in the day.
And now in the year 2011
my boys are sporting the newest fad in hair expression.
Its the
"comb up, sideways, then over"
Which may or may not include the use of a blow dryer.
Kal trying to wink at me. Hey baby.
this kid obviously sees no need for a shirt.
Hey, even his tongue is horizontal.
Canyon's "do" is all his own.
No effort at all. Eat your heart out.
(Ah man, I just noticed his chubby little wrist. That right there is funny) And Brett in one word...hairtastic.
Although he did tell me that his "coolness factor" goes down quite a bit when his mom takes pictures of him and then blogs about it.
Who is the mastermind of all this coolness?
One kid is to blame.
They all want the "Bieber"
Do you think someday they are all going to regret it?
I guess it could be worse.
word to your mutha.