Time warp

My Mom, Aunt, Cousin, sister and I, all traveled to Colorado for a weekend wedding.
We drove our 1985 blue custom Chevy van that was decked out with Levelor blinds, a built-in VCR and 6-inch screen TV. The ultimate in luxury travel.
Brooke and I were both teenagers.
Yep, teenage girls who thought rolling our eyes was an Olympic sport.
As you can see from the picture
(taken at the wedding),
we thought we looked pretty good.
During that weekend, Brooke and I spent a lot of time together and our sisterhood deepened as we basically made fun of everyone we met.
(behind their backs of course)
We laughed hysterically when our sweet Great Aunt tripped on a rock,
We fell down laughing when my mom fainted at a restaurant,
and we died of embarrassment whenever someone over the age of thirty spoke to us.
Brooke and I had a great time, and to this day we laugh tears when we talk about it.
Looking back now, I honestly don't know how my mom put up with us.
I think she was biding her time till the day we would have daughters of our own.
She knew the day for payback would come.
Flash forward to 2009. I have a pre-teen daughter of my own.
The other day I was standing in front of the mirror,
admiring the new "skinny jeans" that I had just purchased.
"What do you think?" I said to Lauren as she walked by.
The little stinker started laughing, rolled her eyes and said..."seriously mom?"
I am currently working on an apology letter to my mom.