Hi mom!

365 days…
One year ago...
It was our twenty-week ultrasound.
Dean and I sat there waiting…
just hoping for a healthy baby.
We knew the routine,
Been there, done that...
Boy or girl?
We did not want to find out.
Then as the images came up on the screen;

Surprisingly there was a small, open hand…
freeze frame.
I loved that little hand the second I saw it.
Flash forward through pregancy, labor, newborn, no sleep, rolling over,
first smile, first word..
Now one year later....Ta Da! we have baby Quincy.



Platt Lucky 7 said…
She is adorable. Can we please plan something this time!!! Getting two families together 11 kids, that would be "fun" right?
Randi said…
Almost made me cry, Hil. And that's a hard thing to do! She's precious...aren't they all? Truly a gift.
Unknown said…
One year already. What a sweet little baby girl. Still can't get over all that hair.

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