Re-Posting Washington DC
Between the Congress bailout reports,
and the political races Obama vs. McCain
I've become a news junkie.
I scan all the news channels trying to get a glimpse of my
favorite places in Washington DC.
The same places that just a few months ago
Dean and I were hanging out around.
The other night on TV, Andrea Mitchell
was reporting live in front of the Capital Building;
standing in the very spot that Dean and I had stopped
for lunch while we were there.
For some reason I think that’s cool…
I’m weird like that.
I could go on and on about the beauty of Washington,
the “backstage pass” treatment we got from Josh, Will & Kim
and the generous hosting abilities of Amie & Gracie…
I’ll spare you though.
But I have decided to re-post some pictures from our trip.
Keep in mind, I was seven months PREGNANT!
One particular memory stands out…
It was our first day in Washington…within the first few hours.
We were at the Air & Space Museum,
which was hosting a display of American History artifacts.
Dean and I were walking around looking at “Dorothy’s Ruby Slippers”
and the “Lone Ranger’s Mask” when all of a sudden,
there it was…no big deal…We came upon “Abraham Lincoln’s Top Hat”-
the original- We both looked at it for a while, not saying anything.
Then it hit us.
I was so overcome by this simple, tattered item.
I felt like I was in the presence of something sacred.
I will never forget that feeling of gratitude mixed with patriotism.
We hope to one-day take the kids back with us,
and hope they would be old enough to feel some of the same feelings.

and the political races Obama vs. McCain
I've become a news junkie.
I scan all the news channels trying to get a glimpse of my
favorite places in Washington DC.
The same places that just a few months ago
Dean and I were hanging out around.
The other night on TV, Andrea Mitchell
was reporting live in front of the Capital Building;
standing in the very spot that Dean and I had stopped
for lunch while we were there.
For some reason I think that’s cool…
I’m weird like that.
I could go on and on about the beauty of Washington,
the “backstage pass” treatment we got from Josh, Will & Kim
and the generous hosting abilities of Amie & Gracie…
I’ll spare you though.
But I have decided to re-post some pictures from our trip.
Keep in mind, I was seven months PREGNANT!
One particular memory stands out…
It was our first day in Washington…within the first few hours.
We were at the Air & Space Museum,
which was hosting a display of American History artifacts.
Dean and I were walking around looking at “Dorothy’s Ruby Slippers”
and the “Lone Ranger’s Mask” when all of a sudden,
there it was…no big deal…We came upon “Abraham Lincoln’s Top Hat”-
the original- We both looked at it for a while, not saying anything.
Then it hit us.
I was so overcome by this simple, tattered item.
I felt like I was in the presence of something sacred.
I will never forget that feeling of gratitude mixed with patriotism.
We hope to one-day take the kids back with us,
and hope they would be old enough to feel some of the same feelings.