Re-Posting Washington DC

Between the Congress bailout reports,
and the political races Obama vs. McCain
I've become a news junkie.
I scan all the news channels trying to get a glimpse of my
favorite places in Washington DC.
The same places that just a few months ago
Dean and I were hanging out around.

The other night on TV, Andrea Mitchell
was reporting live in front of the Capital Building;
standing in the very spot that Dean and I had stopped
for lunch while we were there.
For some reason I think that’s cool…
I’m weird like that.

I could go on and on about the beauty of Washington,
the “backstage pass” treatment we got from Josh, Will & Kim
and the generous hosting abilities of Amie & Gracie…
I’ll spare you though.

But I have decided to re-post some pictures from our trip.
Keep in mind, I was seven months PREGNANT!

One particular memory stands out…
It was our first day in Washington…within the first few hours.
We were at the Air & Space Museum,
which was hosting a display of American History artifacts.
Dean and I were walking around looking at “Dorothy’s Ruby Slippers”
and the “Lone Ranger’s Mask” when all of a sudden,
there it was…no big deal…We came upon “Abraham Lincoln’s Top Hat”-
the original- We both looked at it for a while, not saying anything.

Then it hit us.

I was so overcome by this simple, tattered item.
I felt like I was in the presence of something sacred.
I will never forget that feeling of gratitude mixed with patriotism.

We hope to one-day take the kids back with us,
and hope they would be old enough to feel some of the same feelings.


Randi said…
Maybe I'm slow but I didn't know you had gone to DC. FUN! DC and New York are the two places I really want to get to when our kids are a little older. Looks like you had a great time! I'm jealous! Btw, I'm a news junkie too. Does that mean we're getting old?
Unknown said…
Oh the memories....I think DC is one of my most favorite vacations. It was amazing. We litterally walked our feet off, but had the best time ever. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Makes me want to go back! I love your new family picture also!! you look amazing!
indy blue. said…
i havent been to DC ... but it looks fun. i love your family pictures they r cute i just love your blog!!!! oh and keep on checking live from india
Josh said…
It's crazy that it has already been seven month since we were there. It was a lot of fun when you and Dean were there. I still can't believe how much you walked while being so pregnant.
Hallie Neves said…
man, i want to go to Washington DC so much but the good thing is that Lauren, Indy, and I get to look forward to Arizona. hallie

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