is our first born (Oct. 11th 1995)
was 7 lbs. 11 oz. when he was born (and had a little colic)
is a people pleaser...(good and bad thing)
has never had swimming lessons, but swims like a fish.
wants…needs (he thinks)…his own cell phone
looks like Dean did when he was younger
hates spaghetti, loves casseroles
shoved his front tooth into his gums when he was one
is left handed
is pursuing straight A’s
has lots of “crushes” but no “girlfriend”
sleeps so heavy, no alarm yet can wake him up
is great with kids…especially babies
can be very mischievous (reminds me of Uncle Josh)
won the Kiwanis Club “Terrific Kid” award in fifth grade
likes to know in the morning what we are having for dinner that night
is a good conversationalist
has a great laugh
broke his collar bone when he jumped off the stairs to me,
and I forgot to catch him.
Gosh, they grow up fast!
In honor of you...I will post the How to be Jock video on my blog. Wait not, yet. Maybe tomorrow.