
I can finally sleep at night... What was on my mind you ask? Well, our family
was asked to sing in church last Sunday...all eight of us.
Not a big deal I know, but we aren’t what you would call
musically inclined...(I am just speaking for myself.)
But we did it.
We pulled it off.
I kept thinking back on the Severe debacle,
and hoping not to do the same. I did get a bit choked up like
Brooke did during the song, which was "I'll walk with you"
I was going for "endearing", and from the comments of the ward members
afterwards which were "bless your hearts.." yeah, I think we did it.

Here is a good old Tuesday laugh for ya. This picture of MOSH-PIT GIRL
makes me laugh everytime I see it. I hear Mosh-Pit Girl has a cult following
on-line among photo-shop people..

P.S. another big WHEW, yesterday we got our family pictures taken.
Jared and Amber were most accommodating. I can't wait to show the pictures
to you...stay tuned..Jared did a GREAT job!


Randi said…
HA! Mosh-pit girl kind of reminds me of our breaking-and-entering days on college night at the Palace!

Glad you pulled off your church assign. Definite 'whew'!

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